2022 Working Hunter & Equitation Clinic
Please mark your calendars:
Working Hunter, Equitation, and Jumper Clinic from the Judge's Perspective
Carolyn Duncan, USEF "R" judge and head trainer/owner of Crooked Creek Farm
August 7th at 9:30 a.m.
Crooked Creek Farm
14400 Providence Rd.
Milton, GA 30004
Observation/ Audit: $25 members $30 non-members
Participates: $50 members $60 non members
Bring your own horse or come audit! Please RSVP to: ffnicholson102@gmail.com
Please specify jump height you wish to work on in RSVP. Groups will be divided based on jump height.
Are you bringing a horse?
Make sure you send a negative Coggins test etc.
Limited stalls will be available.
More information and waivers to come for participants and auditors once registered!
For any questions, please contact Fran Nicholson
To sign up, please email ffnicholson102@gmail.com with the following information:
If junior, name of parent or guardian:
Phone Number (cell):
Email address:
Horse's name:
Jump Height:

Hannah Nicholson and Lakota PE +//